2904 29 Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 1Y7

Board of Directors 2023/2024

We are an Indigenous non-profit affiliated with the BC Association of Friendship Centres. Our mission is to provide culturally appropriate health/social programs and services for the North Okanagan community.

The North Okanagan Friendship Center Society announces the Board of Directors for the upcoming year 2021/22. Welcome aboard to newly elected Directors and our current Directors.

Patricia Wilson, President

Don Louis, Vice President

Kim G Louis, Treasurer

Kim G Louis, Secretary

Molly Brewer, Director

The Board of Directors and Staff extend a warm thank you to Rick Chiba and Valerie Chiba who have served the Board in the past year. We wish you the very best, and appreciate your willingness to serve on the Board, we appreciate your contributions. All the best in the upcoming year.

Members to note that we hold our NOFCS Annual General Meeting every June at the third Friday.

North Okanagan Friendship Center Society would like to let its membership know that the Bylaws and Constitution have been updated in 2017 and you can receive a copy or locate it on our website at


North Okanagan Friendship Center also would like its membership to keep their membership active and to be able to receive quarterly updates, we require new mailing address as many have been outdated. If you can please call us at (250) 542-1247 we can easily take your new

information or email us at Reporting@nofcs.ca or fax (250)542-3707 


Applicants can access information on our website http://www.nofcs.ca. NAFC is supporting the funding for another year, and support will vary accounting to distribution based on family size and the number of applications received. Please email reporting@nofcs.ca to communicate update your address and to send you application, or monthly renewal statements. Thank you.