2904 29 Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 1Y7

Aboriginal Infant and Early Childhood Development

We are an Indigenous non-profit affiliated with the BC Association of Friendship Centres. Our mission is to provide culturally appropriate health/social programs and services for the North Okanagan community.

Aboriginal Infant and Early Childhood Development (AIECD)

Family, the most important part of development, is the source of the child’s first education, emotional support, social skills building and spiritual development.

 Hot Lunch, Aboriginal Culture, Story, Play, Fun Activities, Workshops, Immunization, Dental Clinics

All children 0 – 6 and their families are welcome.
All programs are free.

“Come Join Us”
2904-29th Ave.
Open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 3:30pm
Friday 9:00 – 12:00

Core Values

Aboriginal Infant and Early Childhood Development Program believes in traditional Aboriginal teachings, knowledge, respect, individualized programs and a belief in families. We support health and wellness to meet the developmental needs of children because a healthy and safe childhood is a most basic human right.[/fancy_box]

To provide home-based services for infants at risk for developmental delay or with a diagnosed disability in order to optimize their development and continuing participation in a full range of community activates. [/fancy_box]

All children have the right to grow up in a safe and loving family with access to a full range of social, educational and community experiences. It is the overall intent of the Infant Development Program to support families so that these rights may be realized. Central to this is assisting families in developing and maintaining loving relationships with their child. The aim of the program is to help parents or caregivers to make optimum use of available services to enlarge their knowledge of the factors relevant to the overall growth and development of their child and to learn skills that will enable them to encourage the development of their child.[/fancy_box]


  • Early Childhood Development
  • Infant Development

The Program

The Aboriginal Infant and Early Childhood Development (AIECD) Program believes that childhood is the most basic human right of children and that each child deserves to be acknowledged and cherished for the qualities that make him/her unique. Through traditional teachings and respecting families as the primary expert of their children, we will support and build family health and wellness by developing an individualized program that acknowledges and cherishes their child’s developmental needs.

This program promotes the optimum development of children through a full range of community activities: a drop-in center, traditional Aboriginal teachings, Mother Goose Program , Outreach Programs, individualized support, Hot Lunch on Thursdays/Saturdays and networking opportunities for parents.

Service Goals and Objectives

Traditional Aboriginal teachings, knowledge and respect

Outreach Programs, Advocating and access to resource and referrals

Access to individualized support to meet developmental needs of each child

Support and information on parenting and child development

Provide crisis intervention, stabilization, assessment, and individualized case planning services.

Networking opportunities with other parents

Warm, Safe and Friendly place

A Drop In Center

Hot Lunch

Aboriginal Infant and Early Childhood Development Programs

All children 0 – 6 and their families are welcome.
All programs are free.
All programs except swimming are held at 2902-29th Ave.

“Come Join Us”
2904-29th Ave. 250 542 1247
Open Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 3:30
Friday 9:00 – 12:00

Free Swimming Lessons

For families with children up to age 6
Tuesday 2:45 – 3:15 at the Rec. Centre
Great information and fun

Instruction to massage

For families with infant newborn to 6 months
1st and 3rd Friday of each month

Hot Lunch Program

For all families with children
Mon and Weds 11:30 – 1:30
Great food

Hum and Drum Tuesdays

11am – 12 noon
Parents / Caregivers and children/babies
Opportunity to interact together through the use of songs and drumming.

Drop in Centre

The drop in Center is open Mon – Thurs
9:00 – 3:30 great daily activities and Friday 9-12:30